Achieve Your Optimal Weight.


BonVie Weight Loss will be your last diet!

Lasting weight loss happens with a scientific program and great support. Our certified coaches give you expert guidance, accountability, and encouragement. Check out this video and learn how rapid and consistent fat loss happens with a weight loss regime, which most dieters find easy to follow.


You can get there.

We can help.

Achieve fat loss while sparing muscle. We give you the tools and support to keep that weight off forever!

BonVie offers rapid and safe fat burning, proper hydration, and increased energy. Loss of muscle happens too often on typical diets, reducing the ability to burn fat and causing the “Yo-Yo” diet effect. From day one you are eating your own lean protein, vegetables, and salad along with three delicious, high bio-available Ideal Protein foods each day.

This is an easy-to-maintain program over the long term… plus we give you the tools to eat healthy while traveling, entertaining, going to restaurants, and social events. Ladies, say goodbye to the muffin top; guys to the beer belly!


What results can you expect?

On average, women lose two-three pounds per week, and men three-four pounds per week.

  • Quick fat loss, especially belly fat, without sacrificing muscle mass

  • Learning how food affects and is utilized by the body and the causes of fat storage

  • Easy to use protocol – and motivation to stick with it

  • Utilize fat for energy, usually by day four

  • Improved energy and appetite control, reduced cravings

  • Improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels; reduced blood pressure

  • Rapid reduction in waist circumference

  • Most clients, under their physician’s direction, reduce or eliminate medications for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems


The principles behind the program.

Simple and complex carbohydrates (sugars) can prevent weight loss. Why? Because as long as sugar is being consumed, the body is not burning fat. It's as simple as that. Our method restricts sugars (simple and complex carbs) until your weight loss goal is achieved, making this a defined program with a beginning and an end.

Learn to live off of the body's own fat reserves. The body gets its fuel from three reserves: glycogen (stored glucose), protein, and fats. When glycogen reserves are depleted, the body turns simultaneously to its protein (muscle) and fat reserves for energy. The main principle of our method is to deplete the glycogen reserves and maintain muscle so that the body uses fat as its primary fuel!


Lose the fat. Keep the muscle.

Your body will burn fat and maintain muscle mass with our delicious variety of foods that are biologically complete proteins, 9 essential amino acids, and are 97% “useable”.

 Eating your own (non-starchy) vegetables and protein dinners from day one, coupled with a choice of over 60 Ideal Protein meal choices gives our dieters lots of variety while learning how to integrate new eating habits for life.

 Nutrient-rich supplements provide essential vitamins and minerals. It is no wonder that our dieters feel energized, vibrant, and look great!

60+ Ideal Protein menu items make losing weight delicious.

Ideal Protein’s patented line of FDA-approved "gourmet" products makes our weight-loss method so easy for you to follow and enjoy. Our food choices allow those with food sensitivities, or who are vegetarian, to be successful. Ideal Protein's unmatched variety of delicious, easy-to-prepare, and ready-to-serve foods ensure perfect dietary and nutritional balance.